About the breed.

About the breed. Siberian and Neva masquerade cats, who are they?

Siberian cat is the national pride of Russia. There are no person have not heard about the existence of this, one of the most beautiful breeds of cats.

Neva masquerade cat differs from Siberian only by its color. Color-point (easier to say-Siamese), very elegant color and bright blue eyes, have become a true decoration of the Siberian breed.

So who is she and what is she, the Neva masquerade cat today?

First of all, it is a magnificent, very beautiful, attracting more and more attention and causing genuine interest breed.

Its representatives are distinguished by good health and high life span.

In cat’s world this breed is deemed really big, it’s weight reaches 8kg. Female cats are much smaller and sleeker than male cats, their temper softer and more flexible.   But nobody has been able, upon seeing a real Siberian or Neva Masquerade cat, to restrain the hoop-de-doo. 

For the full development and maturation Siberian cats sometimes need up to 5 years. Cats have a well-developed backbone and powerful muscles. Good jumpers, both in height and in length. Nimble and fearless hunters, if keep on “free range”.

The fur is beautiful, thick, water-repellent. They molt once a year, which greatly facilitates the struggle to maintain cleanliness in the house. This is one of the few breeds of cats that can and loves taking care for their fur. They also like when the owner combs there soft, silky coat. However, Siberian cats don’t need frequent brushing because their coat is never not going in clumps.

Due to the high adaptability to the different climates (including warm), Neva masquerade cats and Siberians traditional colors cats, learned to “undress”, i.e. in warmer and even hot climates, dropping the “extra” wool – change their perfect fur-coat for a lightweight coat, leaving a gorgeous fluffy tail…

Despite their harsh appearance, these cats have a calm and balanced character.     They are not just fearless defenders of their territory, but also loyal friends of theirs’s master and patient toys in children’s arms. However, Neva cats are often wary of strangers. 

Siberian cats are really like people communicate equal with them. You can call them partners in some situations) They are very dignity. Never obsessive, but really love “to talk” with the master about different things. At the same time they are very  attentive and understanding listeners. Easy can console the  agitated owner with their purr.

Siberian cats developed maternal instinct very much.  Cats take care for there kittens for a long time, and still trying to educate and to drag in the “nest” when they grow up. And male cats are excellent fathers. Males, if they have access to the litter, can help the cat take care of kittens, lick them and warm them if mom is out.

Kittens continue to take care of each other, licking relatives, they also love to sleep and play together.  Such friendliness makes Siberians wonderful pets. Siberian cats, because of the communal nature, feel happier in the company of their own kind. The presence of a friend-relative helps Siberians remain active, interested in life and to stay emotionally healthy.

Siberians also sumptuously get along with any size dogs, sometimes even becoming best friends.

The owners of Siberian and Neva Masquerade cats never have problems with “bad behavior”. Good manners “in the blood” and fixed at the genetic level.


Breed’s description.

General characteristic:

Siberian cat – medium or large size, very powerful, with excellent physical capacity, has very fluffy hair. Body is smoothed and seems like rounded. Siberians grow slowly, reaching maturity at around 5 years old, female cats are smaller than male. Therefore it’s necessary to carefully approach the definition of conformity to breed standard of cats and kittens. Male cats weight is average from 5 to 8 kg, female cats from 3.5 to 7. When determining the type of the animal, size is secondary.


The shape of the head is trapezoidal, with rounded contours, from medium to large size. Quite large, wide, has the form of an inverted trapezoid, with smooth outlines. 

The top of the skull is flat; the forehead is slightly convex. Cheeks not bulging, not pronounced. Pronounced brows. The muzzle is broad, medium in length, rounded. The nose is broad, straight, a bit tapering on the tip. The chin is rounded, but not protruding, matching the nose. Face is short, filled, rounded. The place between cheekbones and face is smooth.

The transition from forehead to nose is smooth. If you take a look from one side, you can notice a small dimple.

The eyes are big, oval, the outer corner slightly raised to the base of the ear. The distance between them is bigger than the width of the eye. Eye color is not associated with the hair color (except Golden and Neva masquerade colors).

Ears are medium size, the base is quite wide, the tips rounded. Wide apart, leaning forward. The auricle is lowered. “Lynx” brushes are desirable.

Neck isn’t long, thick, strong, muscular.


Body is medium length, strong, muscular, back slightly above the shoulder, with a barrel-shaped, firm belly, creating a feeling of considerable weight,that  is really coming with age. Skeleton is strong. Muscle frame developed good.

Legs length is medium. The hind legs slightly longer than the forepaw, with a massive skeleton. Paws are large and rounded, with the obligatory pubescence between the pads.


The tail is broad at the base, with a thick stem. Densely and evenly pubescent, slightly tapering to the blunt tip.

Hair: length, color, pattern. 

Length: the Breed is distinguished by a semi-long, structured coat, with a rather hard, straight cover hair, forming a waterproof “cloak”, and a thick undercoat – because of such hair, Siberian cats  can stand Siberian frosts. Well developed decorating hair-fluffy “collar”, “pants” on the hind legs. Adult cats have tightly fitting undercoat, that’s thickening at winter. “Summer coat”. Texture from rough to soft, changing according to color. The hair may thicken to curls on the belly and “britches”, but the waviness is not the defining characteristic of the breed.

Color: invalid chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn and the color calls “Burma”. Valid all the traditional colours (solid and patterned), in addition to the above, and the point colour, with white and without white. Any amount of white is allowed. Precious colors: silver (smoky), golden, “sunshine”. Saturated color and clear pattern for traditional tabby colors is desirable.